Change of age and weight categories

The WUAP Executive Committee has decided that the World Championships 2022 in Germany will be contested according to the current rules.


Today, July 15, 2022, all WUAP representatives  ( were sent the following information by email:

Dear sports friends
The WUAP Executive Committee would like to ask you to vote online on the following proposal.
Please submit your answers no later than August 15, 2022.

Draft of changes approved at the meeting by the WUAP World Federation Executive Committee.

We present to you a proposal for changes in the rules of the WUAP world federation,
which were discussed during the WUAP European Championships in Bruck an der Leith (June 11 and 12, 2022) by the WUAP Executive Committee:

1. Approval of a new member of the WUAP Executive Committee.

2. Introducing new definitions to determine "absolute" winners.

3. Defining new "weight in" times.

4. Clarification of the rule for the "fourth attempt".

The provisions are presented to the national representatives of the WUAP member countries for information and approval. Representatives can express opinions to hese decisions until August 15. After evaluating the feedback, the changes should already be in place for this year's World Championships in Germany.

The following specifications  and resolutions  were drawn up for individual points of the program. (
The proposal can be found in the appendix)


We hereby ask you to vote (YES / NO) whether you agree with the proposed changes
as proposed by the WUAP Executive Committee and as defined.
Please send your statement of agreement / disagreement by e-mail no later than 15 August 2022 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.meinhThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.mrseewThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

At the same time, a set of proposals for change will be sent to you no later than August 20, 2022 of the rules to be discussed during the AGM at the championship in Germany.
The proposal will also include a proposal to change the age and weight categories, which was developed by the WUAP Executive Committee.

Considering the seriousness of the topic, the radical change of the rules, the management of WUAP is aware, that the question of such a change requires not only time but also a discussion among WUAP members.


Therefore, if the change is accepted, its validity will be introduced from 2023.   

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to meeting you during the World Championships in Germany.


Best regards

Rudolf Siska

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